“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”

- Mary Oliver

The first step in creating and living the life you want and is knowing what that looks like. Let’s have some fun, yeah?


In this 2-week guided and self-paced course, you’ll dream big about the next phase of your life. And I mean big. You’ll get in touch with yourself to open up and acknowledge your needs and wants. You’ll imagine your life in a way that honors the very core of yourself.

We’re going wild and free here, my friend. 

Sign up below to get notified when the course goes live and to get in on beta pricing!

What you get:

  • Every other day emails with videos and guided worksheets to explore various areas of your life what they would look like if nothing was holding you back.

  • Tools to encourage opening your mind to possibility while quieting that voice inside you that tells you,”No.”

  • Direct link to me via email the whole time. I got you.

Time commitment:

  • Your gift to yourself is 30 minutes a day for two weeks to focus on YOU. You deserve this.